
Monday, September 30, 2013


On Thursday we went into the hospital for me to be induced so that we could meet our baby boy Lincoln. Thursday night they started out by giving me a medicine called cervidal, and it was a restless night that Josh and I both had, due to excitement, nervousness, and the nurses coming in every so often. Friday morning they started the pitocin at about 7 am and the contractions began, at this point they were very tolerable and the waiting game began. By about 5 pm they decided that they were going to break my water and about an hour later the doctor came in and broke it. The breaking of my water increased my contractions in frequency and intensity drastically and by about 8 pm I was begging for an epidural. The placing of the epidural felt like an eternity because the doctor had to do it twice and it hurt like crazy. After it was finally in place I was in heaven and I could have gone another 3 days in labor if needed. At around 12 am the doctor came in and told us that I was still only dilated to 8 cm and that Lincoln's heart rate was dropping with each contraction and she didn't feel comfortable letting me keep going for much longer, she gave us the option to either have a C-section right then or she would let us have another hour and if I didn't have him by then she would do a C-section either way. We decided to go with a C-section right then because it had already been long enough and we didn't want him to be in any more stress, oh and we were way past being ready to meet him. Finally at 2:57 am on Saturday September 28th we got to meet the coolest little boy ever! It was definitely a rough experience but we both feel like Lincoln was well worth the wait, pain and labor that it took to get him here.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Let the Blogging begin...

So with the changes about to happen in our lives I have decided to start this blog to allow our friends and family to keep up to date with our decisions on school stuff, new things with baby Lincoln and the fun crafts I get into! I hope that we will be able to use this as a mode not to get more distant from everyone but to be able to allow you to feel like you are more a part of our lives.