
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Today was Lincoln's first Halloween and his costume was a tub of popcorn made by me and made on his carrier. We went to trick or treat at Great aunt Jen's in Benton Ridge but Lincoln had to stay inside it was way to rainy and cold for him to trick or treat this year, maybe next year!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

the fastest month of my life :/

Today marks the first month of my little mans life its crazy and hard to believe that it has already been a month. Lincoln and I spent the day taking pictures for his first Halloween and for his first month. At Lincoln's one month check up he weighed 9 lbs 3 oz and is 21 inches long and is in the 22% in weight and 18% in height he's just a little peanut! Lincoln is starting to smile more and more when talked to and he is just way to cute. He is still in newborn clothes and eats about 4.5 oz at a time. Lincoln is doing great and we are so lucky to have such a good baby in out life. We can't wait to see what the next month brings.

Check out more pics of Lincoln here: Lincoln 1 Month pics

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Shower me Baby

Today was our second baby shower we had this second one so that we could invite people that lived further away so that they could meet Lincoln. We had a ton of guests and were thrilled to see all kinds of family that made the trip to meet him. The theme of the shower was books, our food was based off of books we had green deviled eggs and ham sandwiches to go with the green eggs and ham book, we had fruit salad to go with the very hungry Caterpillar book, and we even had a book cake made by Devin. We played games and got some great gifts including our crib, I can't wait to put it together and use it once Lincoln gets a little bigger. Lincoln was a party pooper and slept through almost the entire shower but no one cared because he was just to darn cute while doing it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Today marks the last day of our trip to Nashville, we drove down with Great Grandma and Grandpa Powell and stayed in a condo, this trip was for Josh to do his Vanderbilt interview. We headed down on Sunday the 13th and had a lot of fun. On Monday was dad's interview and the rest of us went to a mall to spend some time. Tuesday we took a trip to Franklin, TN and explored the area, there were some pretty cool shops around and we had a really good lunch. Franklin was the place of antiques and Gpa loved that lol! Wednesday we started the drive back home, we really liked Nashville and Tennessee however the drive was a little rough and I don't know if we would want to live that far away from our families?! Big decisions to be made... On the plus side Lincoln is such a good car rider and slept almost the entire way there and the entire way home minus a few pit stops to eat and change his pants!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


On the 7th of October our little family took our first road trip together to Chicago. We stayed in a small cheap flee bag motel but oh well it worked and allowed us to save money on the trip. The purpose of our trip was because Josh had a medical school interview at Loyola. We got there on the 7th and his interview was on the 8th, while Josh was at his interview Lincoln and I found a Babies R US to go spend some time at and after we got bored with that we found this cool metro park across the street from were Josh was and we hung out there for awhile. At the metro park there was a model airplane flying area and we watched the old men fly their planes for awhile while taking some selfies and some pics together and then with dad. We really enjoyed Chicago and hopefully dad will hear back soon about his interview and who knows maybe we'll be moving to Chicago soon?!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lincoln Joshua Smith

here's the low down on baby smith...
Name: Lincoln Joshua Smith
Birth place: Findlay, Ohio
Born: September 28th, 2013 at 2:57 am
Weight: 7 lb 5 oz
Height: 20 inches
Mommy: Jacqueline Nicole Smith
Daddy: Joshua David Smith
Mommy's Age: 23 years old
Daddy's Age: 22 years old
Mommy's Job: Nurse at Heartland of Perrysburg
Daddy's Job: Student at University of Toledo studying Psychology and Chemistry
he is the first child, grandchild on both sides, and great grandchild on mommy's side he even made the first great great grandchild on mommy's side.
when we go home, we will be going home to Grandma and Grandpa Chiow's house which is where were currently living until daddy goes to medical school.